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Germany: Demuro (constitutionalist), “fearing the welfare state will not hold. And with each new fear, a new wall rises”

In the aftermath of the election, one of three options beckons for Chancellor Angela Merkel’s new government: an uneasy reconfirmation of the Große Koalition with the Social Democrat party, but the SPD leader, Schulz, said his party will stay on the opposition; an agreement with the Liberal and Green parties; a minority government. “A sudden reconfirmation of the Große Koalition might act as a sort of encouragement for other European countries, but I am not so sure it can happen, especially because, in the literature, leftist parties in big coalitions have always lost; a centre leaning on the liberal side sounds more likely”. This was said to SIR by Gianmario Demuro, a constitutionalist. The future German government will have to address multiple issues, from the European Union to the welfare state and the refugees. “Germany is the State that protects fundamental rights in its fundamental Law, qualifies human dignity and defines the welfare state: the problem Merkel will have to address is the idea there’s not so much left for everyone now – Demuro points out –. Then, the Chancellor’s famous phrase ‘We can do it’, has scared everyone, especially in connection with welfare, which is associated with the problem of the borders, a general issue all over the world, but mostly in Europe”. According to Demuro, “with each fear, a new wall rises, and in Germany fear is welfare, people fear the welfare state will not hold. The way I have seen the Chancellor working over the years, I think she will try to give the greatest reassurances about such issues, and I don’t think she will fail on her pro-European spirit”.

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