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Netherlands: feedback-survey of ecumenical initiative “Taste the Church”. Positive results and criticalities

A survey is being performed on the 450 communities and churches of different denominations that joined the ecumenical initiative “Taste the Church” in the weekend of 9th and 10th September. The event meant to invite people who had not recently or ever gone into a Christian church and persuade them to attend a Sunday celebration, specially prepared for the occasion. “300 responses have come so far, and comments are positive”, the website of the Bishops Conference says. Comments speak of “precious meetings that took place”, of people “gone back to Church after having not crossed its threshold for such a long time”, the way “the personal invitation made this step easier”. However, the initiative had other “side” effects too: “Unity among the participating churches has been strengthened”, the communities have become more open, people have been driven to reflect on the “option to involve other people in the walk of faith”. The questionnaire is addressing all the areas of the initiative to find out whether it should be planned again in the future. Some questions are about “preparation”: “the responses received show how important a good preparation is” and how for some communities there have been delays, they could not find the materials, or have had problems in clearly explaining to the participants the meaning of the initiative, which however is already regarded as the “first” in the “Taste the Church” programme.

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