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Iceland: Plenary Assembly of the Nordic Bishops’ Conference. New Nuncio, liturgy, relics of St. Therese and ecumenism

I vescovi della Conferenza episcopale nordica riuniti in Islanda

The Plenary Assembly of the Bishops’ Conference of the Nordic countries has ended today in Reykjavik. The statement released at the end of the work stressed four points: the presence of the new Nuncio, Archbishop James Patrick Green, who has deep knowledge of the situation, having previously served as Secretary to the Nunciature in Copenhagen and Stockholm. With him, there was “a frank conversation about the challenges and the pastoral needs” of the North, also in view of the ad limina visit of 2018. As for the recent motu proprio “Magnum Principium” on the translation of liturgical texts, it emerged during the debate that the letter is “very important because the translation of liturgical texts is a real challenge in the Nordic countries”: within the Conference, “five different languages are spoken but only in the countries concerned is there adequate language knowledge to check the accuracy of the translations”. Another theme was the pilgrimage of the relics of Saint Therese of Lisieux and her parents in the Nordic countries (October 2018), an event of particular significance since “Carmelite spirituality is widespread” in the region. It is therefore important to “spiritually prepare the faithful for this unique event through various initiatives”. Finally, the bishops placed “significant Ecumenical emphasis” on the year of the Reformation, with their visit to the Auxiliary Bishop of the Lutheran Church in Skalholt, Krisján Valur Ingólfsson, who welcomed them and prayed the Vespers with them.

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