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EU: Juncker, State of the Union address. Proposal: one Economy Minister for the euro area

(Strasbourg) In his State of the Union address, Jean-Claude Juncker called for a single Minister of Economy and Finance for the euro area. He insisted on the Energy Union, the Digital Single Market, the Defence Union. Speaking of institutional reforms and policies needed for a new EU, he excluded his second term at the helm of the Commission, and proposed the merging of the offices of President of the Commission and President of the European Council. Juncker called the Brexit a “sad and tragic moment”, a decision that the British themselves will “soon regret”. He concluded by asking Europe and Member States to “show courage” to respond to the expectations of citizens, to address today’s challenges, and to “prepare a common future” of wellbeing, justice and security. At the end of his speech, many MEPs stood up and gave him a long applause; but no sign of approval from left-wing and right-wing Eurosceptics.

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