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The Day of Creation: US Bishops, “energy revolution” and “merciful gestures” are needed

(From New York) While the number of casualties and damages caused by Hurricane Harvey are being counted, the US Bishops celebrate the Day of Creation by asking the country for an “energy revolution”. In particular, they call everyone to reduce energy consumption and pollutant emissions, and insist on the need to make “investments in environmentally-sustainable infrsastructure and technology”. A letter written by Bishop Frank J. Dewane, president of the Commission for Jsutice and Human Development, and by Bishop Oscar Cantú, president of the Commission for International Justice and Peace, explains that on September 1st the Church starts the season of Creation, which will go on until October 4th, the Day of St Francis”, a time during which everyone, whatever their faith, are called to make concrete gestures “of mercy and tenderness for the Earth, our common home”. The Bishops, as reported by SIR, ask people and institutions to search their souls about the “many big and small gestures that contribute to the deterioration of the world” and mention all the people who work in the energy industry, “from miners to solar energy engineers, to lawmakers, through to scientists”. But it is above all to political leaders that they ask to “plan provisions, based on new energy innovations, to re-qualify workers”, and urge leaders “to be real rulers of the common home and the common good”. On August 25th, the Bishops had already written to the Senate, challenging the cut on the funding of environmental protection agencies and of the water and national park conservation programme. “You are bound to consider the increasing pressures on environmental resources and allocate reasonable funds to the agencies that protect such resources, especially out of respect for the poorer ones”, they had blurted out, mentioning, once again, that “the federal budget is a moral document” because of the consequences it will have on the citizens and the local community.

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