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Pope Francis and Patriarch Bartholomew. The Day of Creation. “Urgent appeal” to the political and economic world, “listen to the cry of the Earth”

An “urgent appeal” to the political, economic and social worlds, that they may start listening to the “cry of the Earth”. It was made by Pope Francis and by the ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew in their joint message, written for the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation and issued today. “To those people who have a key role – the message reads – in the social, economic, political and cultural worlds, we make an urgent appeal to responsibly listen to the cry of the Earth and see to the needs of the outcasts, but above all to respond to many people’s begging and to support global consensus, so that the hurt Creation may be cured. We believe that there can be no genuine or lasting solution to the challenge of the ecological crisis and climate change without a joint, collective action, without a shared responsibility that is accountable for what is done, without giving priority to solidarity and service”.

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