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Scandinavia: meeting of Swedish, Norwegian and Danish young Catholics. Prayer, catechesis and talks in the run-up to the Synod


Swedish, Norwegian and Danish young Catholics will meet in Vadstena, Sweden, from September 1st to 3rd, to share moments of “catechesis, prayer, Eucharistic adoration and other activities through which they can get closer to Christ and share their faith with other Nordic young people”, the invitation explains. The sentence spoken by Mary and quoted in Luke’s Gospel, “The Almighty has done great things for me and holy is his name”, will be the common thread running through all three days, which are expected to bring in about 450 young people, as told to SIR by Fiorella Bastidas, president of the Swedish Young Catholics’ Association (Sveriges Unga Katoliker, Suk): “40 young people come from Denmark, 35 from Norway, and 375 from Sweden. Iceland will send a delegate from their diocese”. On Saturday, the cardinal of Stockholm, Anders Arborelius, will meet these young people, and in his speech “he will talk about the forthcoming Synod” of 2018, all focussed on young people”. “We have printed questions about the Synod that young people can answer to”, Fiorella Bastidas keeps explaining. The eleven workshops will discuss the announcement, Jesuit spirituality, the different rites and traditions of the Catholic Church, calls to marriage or priesthood, abortion and sexuality. Chairmen will include experts or people who have had direct experiences: a married couple, Claudia and Alexander Kegel, a young Jesuit father, Peter Jablonski, two young seminarians from Stockholm and Copenhagen, Chaldean bishop Saad Sirop Hanna, an Apostolic Visitor of Chaldeans who live in Europe, some sisters of St Brigid and of the daughters of Mary.


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