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Pope Francis: message to G20, “the whole is greater than the part”. “Solutions to be truly universal”

“The whole is greater than the part”. This is one of the principles for action recalled this morning by Pope Francis in his message to the world leaders gathered in Hamburg for the G20 summit. “Problems need to be resolved concretely and with due attention to their specificity, but such solutions, to be lasting, cannot neglect a broader vision. They must likewise consider eventual repercussions on all countries and their citizens, while respecting the views and opinions of the latter”, the Pope writes. To corroborate his assumption, the Pope urges to think of the G20 leaders as just bringing around a table a “small number of countries that represent 90% of the production of wealth and services worldwide”. And he adds: “Those states and individuals whose voice is weakest on the world political scene are precisely the ones who suffer most from the harmful effects of economic crises for which they bear little or no responsibility. This great majority, which in economic terms counts for only 10% of the whole, is the portion of humanity that has the greatest potential to contribute to the progress of everyone”. Hence his call “to continue promoting a multilateral approach, so that solutions can be truly universal and lasting, for the benefit of all”.

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