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Austria: mgr. Zsifkovics (Eisenstadt), “priests like James Bond, on a mission with a licence to heal”

Priests are like James Bond, but they have chosen “an even better way to work, even if it not always so easy or more popular”: the bishop of Eisenstadt, mgr. Ägidius Zsifkovics, said that during his sermon for the first Mass officiated by Kurt Aufner, recently ordained priest in Pinkafeld. According to Zsifkovics, priests too are “men on a mission” and must address often insurmountable problems. There are clear differences, of course, but the Gospel is the priest’s real “script”, not fiction like Bond’s scripts, the bishop pointed out. One of the key differences is that, while Bond is “a secret agent, priests are clearly visible in their mission on the road”. Priests, the bishop said, “try to find out what is wrong in people’s lives and help them find how to change for the better with God’s help”, and this, unlike Bond, without using expensive cars, high-tech weapons, costly clothes or credit cards: priests “wear modest cassocks, have dirty hands and hold the paten and the chalice”. Because priests, Zsifkovics emphasised, should be “pilgrims with no big purse”, so they will not be distracted by material things nor lose sight of Jesus’s orders. And if a secret agents has a “licence to kill”, priests, the bishop said, have “a licence to heal: in the name of Jesus Christ, they cast out demons, look for sick people, heal them and preserve their lives”.

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