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Migration: FCEI, letter to European Churches and ecumenical bodies, “do not leave Italy alone”

The Federation of Evangelical Churches in Italy (FCEI) has sent a long letter to its international partners, ecumenical bodies and Churches, to propose action from the bottom up, a concerted and capillary action at the European level to stir Europe and its Member States into action in response to the migration crisis. In the letter received by SIR news agency, the FCEI suggests taking into account the “humanitarian corridors” option. It also asks its partners to put pressure “on their governments so that they speed up the implementation of the EU resettlement scheme and adopt policies based on solidarity and sharing with regard to the number of arrivals; that they open ‘safe passages’ similar to the humanitarian corridors and introduce temporary humanitarian visas allowing those who have been rescued in the Mediterranean to enter other EU countries”. “We call on all of our partners – FCEI President Luca Negro told SIR – to redouble their efforts to find a solution to the migration crisis, so that Italy is not left alone in addressing it. We do not agree with some provocative proposals put forward by Italy, like that of closing the ports to foreign NGOs, but we do understand that this provocation was intended to be a wake-up call to Europe. We want to tell our sister Churches that Italy should not be left alone, that they must do all they can to raise greater awareness among the public and among politicians in their countries about the fact that Europe has left one of its Member States alone, whose only fault is to be the first port of entry for migrants because of its natural geographic position”.

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