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Charlie Gard: Strasbourg, appeal from 40 MEPs to save the life of the British baby. “Who defends the value of life?”

(Strasbourg) “We express our full support to Charlie Gard, Chris Gard and Connie Yates. We deem ourselves obliged to voice our deepest concerns about the outrageous outcome of Charlie’s case, which infringes Europe’s most fundamental values, particularly the right to life, the right to human dignity and personal integrity”. This is the open letter signed by some 40 Members of the European Parliament (the first three signatories being Miroslav Mikolášik, Luigi Morgano, Laurentiu Rebega) about Charlie’s case, which is now waiting for the next developments following the decision of the European Court. “Charlie Gard is a 10-month-old boy suffering from a rare, life-threatening medical condition who is currently dependent on life support in one of London’s hospitals”, MEPs explain. “His doctors concluded that he is no longer entitled to be in this world and sought approval from courts to discontinue his life-supporting treatment, including nutrition and hydration. Unfortunately, both the domestic courts as well as the European Court of Human Rights identified with the reasoning of the medical practitioners and ruled in favour of ending Charlie’s life in absolute contradiction to his parents’ will”. “Love for children – the appeal goes on – often leads parents to go beyond what is normally possible when it comes to their child’s well-being; just as in the case of Chris Gard and Connie Yates who managed to raise £1.4 million” to finance “ethically viable innovative medical procedures that could bring them and others hope. They have successfully found an experimental treatment in the United States”. Then a question: “How is it then possible that even today, in the 21st century, in times when we ourselves designate our era as one which respects fundamental values of life and human dignity, the United Kingdom does not act in the best interest of its citizens?”. The letter ends as follows: “We, the undersigned Members of the European Parliament, intend to answer with a clear ‘NO’ and strongly condemn the shameful conduct that undermines these values of our civilised society”. MEPs from several EU Member States are among the signatories.

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