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Education: Paris, the “Notre Europe” Academy promoted by the Delors Institute opens now. “Information and lessons” in EU topics

The “Notre Europe” Academy, a place for “learning, exchanging and sharing knowledge about European policies”, has just been opened in Paris. It is the brainchild of the Jacques Delors Institute, founded in 1996 by former EU Commissioner Delors, and, just like the Institute, the Academy too responds to the French statesman’s efforts to provide “information and lessons” in European topics. Now, it is directed by Italian former Prime Minister Enrico Letta. Letta is also the dean of the School of International Affairs and Political Science. The lessons will be held in Paris from November 2017 to November 2018 and will be open to 20 journalists and 20 young people (aged 18 to 26, who will have free access to the courses). The Academy aspires to provide “young people and professionals with notions about European topics and with the wide range of high-profile experts and political leaders that the Delors Institute has created in over 20 years”. In this first year, the courses (they will be held monthly, one Friday a month) will include meetings with experts in European matters and national and European politicians, directors of international organisations, former commissioners, as well as visits to Brussels, Strasbourg, Rome, Berlin, where the students will be able to “gain a deeper understanding of and discuss the European Union and its future, while forming lifelong connections with each other”. Applications may be sent in by September 30th at

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