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United States: religious leaders write to Trump to foster peace of Israel and Palestine

New York – “We believe peace between Israel and Palestine is possible”. Those words were written by thirty-five religious Christian, Muslim and Jewish leaders in a letter sent to Donald Trump to encourage the efforts of US presidency for putting an end to the Israeli-Palestine conflict. The leaders added that “on the basis of the legitimate, long-term expectations of Israeli and Palestine people in terms of national security and self-determination, the two-State solution is still the most realistic way to meet the essential interests of both peoples to put an end to the conflict”. In the analysis submitted to Trump (the outcome of the relation of every leader with the Council of Religious Institutions in the Holy Land), they point out that though “a few Israelis and a few Palestinians think one State is preferable, according to recent surveys the majority of the peoples are still in favour of two States. Following the one-State solution would cause further years of violence”. Religious authorities encourage and support the efforts and the initiatives promoted by the government, to find a peaceful solution. They also say that “the accomplishment of fair peace would have a positive impact on both peoples, for the Middle East, for US interests, and for the whole world”. The letter was signed by Msgr. Oscar Cantú (Bishop of Las Cruses and President of the Justice and Peace Commission of the United States), Bishop Emeritus of Washington McCormick, bishops of the Orthodox Church and of the Methodist Church, members of the clergy of all Christians denominations, imams and representatives of the Islamic world, as well as twelve Rabbis in charge of synagogues and Jewish organisations.










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