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Regensburg choir abuse: Mgr. Voderholzer (Bishop), letter to the Diocese following report on violence against children

“The greatest contribution to this work was made by those involved. It is to them that I express my sincere gratitude because, despite the suffering they had endured, they contacted the representatives of the Diocese, particularly Mr Weber”, the Bishop of Regensburg, Mgr. Rudolf Voderholzer, wrote in a letter dated 22 July which was read out at all Sunday Masses throughout the Diocese yesterday. The letter focuses on “a very serious issue that is troubling so many these days”, that is to say, the publication of Lawyer Ulrich Weber’s final report on cases of violence against the boys of the Regensburger Domspatzen, the renowned children’s choir of the Diocese. This is the “end of the work carried out by an independent lawyer appointed by the Diocese” to “investigate” the acts of violence and “shed light” on the “structures” and “contexts” that have “permitted or even facilitated” these acts, and to “evaluate” the work that the Diocese has carried out in this regard since 2010. Although the results “are difficult to digest, even for us”, the Bishop wrote, the Report was well received both by “some victims”, who said the “Report will help them find peace in this painful chapter of their history”, and by the competent authorities of the Federal Government.

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