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Finland: number of priests on the rise. New rules for the Presbyteral Council

Up to now, the Presbyteral Council of the Diocese of Helsinki has been composed of all the priests of the Diocese. According to the website of the Diocese, this “extremely unusual practice” has become “almost impossible” in Finland too, since “there has been an increase in the number of priests (currently 30), as well as in the number of believers in the Diocese”. For this reason, the Bishop of Helsinki, Mgr. Teemu Sippo, has issued new rules for the Council, which, from now on, will include five members elected from among the priests in addition to the members of the Episcopal Council. Furthermore, the Bishop may invite another priest. The Council will serve a five-year term”. Some days ago, to comply with the new rules, the Bishop appointed the first Council that will remain in office until July 2022. The Presbyteral Council, the Diocese explains in a statement, “acts as an advisory body to the Bishop in accordance with the Canons 495-502 of the Code of Canon Law and in those cases in which the opinion of the Presbyteral Council is required”.

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