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Iraq: Sako (Patriarch), a warning to Christians, “stop any divisive fight. Take back possession of our land before others do”

“Stop the internecine fights that cause division and, instead of wasting time waiting, take back possession of our land before others do. This is the time to get back the land of our parents and our ancestors, their identity, their history and their heritage”. This is the harsh warning made by the Patriarch of the Chaldean Church, Louis Raphael Sako, in a notice posted on the website of the Patriarchate, that also points out that “the road to eradicate Isis from the region is still long and hard before we can rebuild what has been destroyed and before we can achieve peace, security and stability”. “The one we are living in – mar Sako writes – is a time-defining moment and a test for Christians, called to renew their ethical and moral commitment, to confirm their presence, retrieve their assets, ask to be refunded for their losses; get their share of aids and in addition have themselves protected by the Iraqi central government, the regional government of Kurdistan, and the international community”. The Chaldean Patriarch lists three roadmaps: “joining efforts to rebuild or refurbish the houses and infrastructure so as to make it easier for the evacuees to get back; creating a team of 7 to 10 wise and loyal politicians who can be Christians’ mouthpieces and take responsibility for speaking with the right people nationally and internationally, for no personal interest, about cooperation and solidarity, and work effectively with Muslims and other ethic groups in public life”.

Lastly, creating a “central information office” could, according to mar Sako, “help Christians make their voice heard and their sufferings and aspirations known. This will help them overcome the complexities of the current situation and turn their pain into unity, cohesion, solidarity and active participation in the strengthening of their life as well as in promoting a culture of openness, which will help achieve peace, stability and a dignified life for them and for the citizens”. “The Church – the note goes on – is not a replacement for loyal politicians. It actually plays a key role in people’s lives by stating the truth about public matters, especially when it is about building peace, justice and the need to give a dignified life to all citizens, regardless of their connections. The Church keeps loving and serving all people, following the example of its founder, Jesus Christ”.

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