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Pope Francis: Motu Proprio “Maiorem hac dilectionem”, “giving one’s life” new category in the beatification and canonisation process

foto SIR/Marco Calvarese

“Giving one’s life is a new category in the beatification and canonisation process, different from the categories of martyrdom and heroic virtues”. This is what Pope Francis established in a specific Motu Proprio on the offering of one’s life entitled “Maiorem hac dilectionem”, which was released today. “Those Christians who have followed closely in the footsteps and teachings of Our Lord Jesus by selflessly giving their own lives for others while persevering until death in the process, are worthy of special consideration and honour”, Pope Francis explained, referring to the new condition for beatification and canonisation introduced by him. “It is clear that the heroic sacrifice of one’s life, inspired and sustained by charity  – he continued –, expresses a true, full and exemplary imitation of Christ and therefore deserves that veneration which the community of the faithful usually gives to those who have voluntarily accepted the martyrdom of blood or have exercised Christian virtues to a heroic degree”. Today’s Motu Proprio, which has received a favourable opinion from the Congregation for the Causes of Saints at the Plenary on 27 September 2016, calls on the diocesan Bishops to “inquire about the life, virtues, offering of life or martyrdom and reputation of sanctity, offering of life or martyrdom, and the alleged miracles” of the Servant of God, whose canonization is sought.

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