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Ireland: preparations for the World Meeting of Families, three thousand volunteers wanted. A day of reflections with card. Schönborn in Limerick

“We talk family, we are family” is the title of a day of reflections that will take place in Limerick on Thursday July 13th, in the run-up to the forthcoming World Meeting of Families (21-26 August 2018). Christoph Schönborn, cardinal of Vienna, will be the guest of honour. The afternoon will begin with an address about Amoris laetitia. Then, the participants will split into three parallel workshops. One will be about young people, to “understand how the next Synod for Young People can be part of the preparations for the World Meeting of Families”, the organisers explain. Another workshop will work at the “catechetic programme” for the Meeting, and a third one will explore Amoris laetitia to look at the “status quaestiones” one year after the publication of the encyclical letter. The meeting will end with a public speech by the cardinal of Vienna about: “The parish: a family of families”. The event is organised by the Irish Institute for Pastoral Studies in partnership with the Irish Institute for Catholic Studies. In the meantime, the preparations for the World Meeting go on: the Bishops Conference’s website posts the official anthem, “A joy for all the Earth”, written by Ephrem Feelem. The three thousand volunteers who will have to assist with the meeting as well as families willing to take in the pilgrims and the participants in the meeting who will come from all over the world are still being looked for.

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