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Notre-Dame terror attack: card. Vingt-Trois (archbishop of Paris), “thanks to the policemen who have been watching over our safety”

The tribute paid today by card. André Vingt-Trois, archbishop of Paris, to the policemen, “especially the most exposed ones, who for months have been watching over the safety of the thousands of tourists and devotees who enter the Cathedral every day”. This has been written in a release issued this morning by the diocese of Paris, the day after the terror attack that happened in Notre-Dame, in Paris, yesterday afternoon, when a man of Algerian origin, Farid Ikken, wounded a policeman on the parvis of the cathedral, calling himself “a soldier of the Caliphate”. The archbishop thanks “especially the wounded policeman and the patrol officers for their response”, which prevented worse things happening. And he “likewise thanks the whole of the cathedral’s staff, who supported the about one thousand people, confined in the nave and towers of Notre-Dame for over two hours”.

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