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Germany: card. Marx (Dbk), “Most Muslims want to live in peace”

Faced with the latest events related to Islamic terrorism, last night cardinal Reinhard Marx warned against rushed generalisations: “Most Muslims want to live in peace”, said the cardinal, president of the German Bishops Conference, during a meeting in Echtenach, Luxembourg. According to Marx, of course most terrorist attacks happen in Muslim countries, not in the West; but at the same time he criticised the fact that “countries such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar have tolerated, if not actually supported, the Islamist extremist views”. According to the cardinal, tolerance and openness to dialogue will remain a key social task: “The process is far from accomplished, because we must keep being involved. And I think Christians are in a good position to do so”. Then, Marx added that “nobody can deny that violence has been perpetrated in the name of religions; many wars went hand in hand with religion, but we must make a clear distinction”, because “the religion is not the same”. In the cardinal’s opinion, the matter whether religions may help peace is “a key issue for the future of mankind”. Another guest at the meeting was the emeritus president of the German Council of Evangelical Churches (Ekd), bishop Wolfgang Huber, who reiterated that “Islam should not be identified with Islamism”.

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