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Comece: a Statement “on the future of work” in the pipeline. Dialogue with the EU about social rights and economic union goes on

(Brussels) The Welfare Committee of the Commission of EU Bishops Conferences (Comece), led by bishop Gianni Ambrosio, met in Brussels a few days ago to share their views with the EU leaders. The items on the agenda – now posted on Comece’s website – included the European pillar of social rights, the European solidarity corps and the “reflection paper on the deepening of the economic and monetary union”, published by the EU Commission on May 31st. Comece has already taken position on the first two items: as to the solidarity corps, they like the idea, but “it must be provided with its own resource channel as soon as possible, and a wider strategy about volunteering must be developed”, as Comece wrote in a document published in April. As to the European social pillar, it is viewed as an “important step closer to the goal of the European treaties, that is, a social market economy”. Now, the meeting of June 2nd kicked off the reflections on the issues that surround the deepening of the monetary union. Another item that Comece will be working at in the next few months – a specific Statement is in the pipeline – is “the initiative on the future of work”, launched by the International Labour Organisation (such issue will be addressed at the next meeting, on November 28th and 29th). The work meeting of Comece’s Committee was attended, among other people, by Kai Wynands, head of cabinet of the deputy president of the Valdis Dombrovskis Commission, and by Max Uebe, head of the Employment Strategy Unit.

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