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Attack in London: 130 imams and religious leaders sign a declaration, “No funeral prayers for terrorists”

One hundred and thirty imams and religious leaders all over Great Britain, and from all schools of thought issued a Declaration with an unprecedented decision: rejecting to say the traditional Islamic funeral prayer for terrorists, “a ritual usually carried out for any Muslim, independently of his actions”. They also invited other imams and religious leaders to do the same. “As a consequence, and in the light of essential Islam principles – says the Declaration made known and supported by the Muslim Council of Britain – we will not say the traditional funeral prayer for terrorists, and we ask all imams and religious leaders to deny such privilege. Those actions cannot be justified, and are totally in contrast with the noble teachings of Islam”. In the Declaration, the imams say: “We pray God for the men doing those attacks to be judged in the afterlife depending on the seriousness of their crimes. Because of their acts and their denial of our religious principles, they are out of any association with our community, for which every human life cannot be violated, and that is the basic principle (Q.5: 32)”. And more: “These vile assassins are trying to divide our society and instil fear. We’ll make sure they fail. We ask everyone to join us: we are a community. Before such vile cowardice, unlike terrorists, we have to foster love and compassion. These criminals offend the name of our religion and our Prophet, who was sent to be Mercy for the whole creation”. The Declaration includes the signatures of 130 imams and high intellectuals of British Islam.

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