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London terror attack: Lord Alton (House of Peers), “we can’t go on as if nothing had happened. Rediscovering the values of our society”

British Prime Minister Theresa May will have to explain what it means “being tougher on terrorists, because, after the last attack in London, there’s the risk of thinking the attack has nothing to do with religion or of going on as if nothing had happened”. Lord David Alton, the Catholic on whom the Queen in 1997 conferred the highest honour of Peer of the United Kingdom after a long career in the House of Commons, does not mince his words as he comments on the latest massacre, in which seven people died in the British capital, and thinks of the most radical Islam as well as of the risk of “business as usual”, in other words, not noticing the serious danger that is threatening Great Britain. “Ed Hussain, a former Salafi Muslim and a former activist of groups banned in Great Britain as considered to be terrorist, now an advisor for the British authorities, claims that we are in a battle, fighting for the soul of the Muslim religion. Saying that the Salafi ideology has nothing to do with religion is ridiculous. It is tantamount to saying that all religions are violent or that religion automatically begets violence”. It would be equally wrong, according to Lord Alton, to think that “we must go on as if nothing had happened”. “Challenged by a deadly ideology that has the destruction of our society at its heart, we must rediscover the beliefs that have given our society its cohesion and strength”. “Last Saturday’s massacre will inevitably change the way we live”, Lord Alton goes on, “as is shown by the great number of armed policemen in our streets”.

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