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Germany: Bundestag on same-sex marriage. Mgr. Jüsten voices the bishops’ disagreement

Mgr. Karl Jüsten, Commissioner of the German Catholic Office, the institutional agency of the Church, wrote a letter to the MPs of the Bundestag, the German Parliament, in the run-up to the vote that will be cast tomorrow on the second and third reading of the bill of law about the enforcement of same-sex marriage, known as “Marriage for all”. Jüsten points out that in 2015 the Bishops’ Committee had already taken position against two bills of law about this matter as they “rose constitutional concerns”. The prelate reminds the MPs that “one of the main features of marriage, according to article 6, section 1, of the main Law, is that it protects the institutional assurance of marriage being between a man and a woman”. In addition”, “this has been confirmed by the Federal Constitutional Court in its ruling about the enforcement of the Civil Partnership Act in 2002″. So, according to Jüsten, it turns out “that the spouses being of different genders is a key feature of marriage”. That’s why an ordinary law that equates same-sex unions to constitutional marriage “would be inconsistent”. Jüsten reminds the MPs of the distinction made by Pope Francis in his letter “Amoris laetitia”, that is, that “same-sex partnerships cannot be equated to marriage, because such couples have no access to the transmission of life”. The letter ends by insisting on the Bishops’ being against such bill of law.

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