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EU Commission: paper on future of finances. Oettinger, “need to invest more resources for the good of citizens”

Bruxelles, 28 giugno: la riunione odierna della Commissione europea (foto SIR/CE)

(Brussels) “As Europe decides on its future, the EU needs a budget that is fit for purpose and makes every euro work for its citizens”. This is the starting point of the review published by the European Commission today on the future of EU finances. This issue is not new and was put on the agenda for the mid-term assessment of the multiannual programming of the budget for 2014-2020. The Commission has therefore published a “reflection paper” which looks into the “options to make that a reality”. This is the fifth paper on the future of Europe that the Commission has promised in its White Paper with a view to reflecting on the development of the “common home”. Indeed, in the past two months, the Commission has published the Reflection paper on the social dimension of Europe; the Reflection paper “harnessing globalisation”; the Reflection paper “deepening the Economic and Monetary Union”; and finally, the Reflection paper “the future of European defence”. The Commissioner for Budget and Human Resources, Günther H. Oettinger, said: “If Europe is to tackle new challenges, the money must come from somewhere. We can either spend less or find new revenues. But whatever we do, each Euro invested from the EU budget must add value and have a positive impact on people’s daily lives”.

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