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France: MAP for lesbian couples. Associations: “it satisfies the selfishness of adults to the detriment of the rights of the child”

The associations are against the opinion issued by the National Ethics Committee this morning, which paves the way for the extension of medically assisted procreation (MAP) to lesbian couples, and warn against the risks. Catholic family associations in France “understand and respect the desire of female couples to have a child but cannot approve of the consequences” that the practice of medically assisted procreation – that is to say, the artificial insemination by donor (AID) to procreate without a male partner – may have “for the child”. Family associations put the following question to the President of the Republic Macron: “Does the right to a child come before the right of the child?”.

Even legal experts on child-related matters, in line with the views expressed by family associations, are strongly opposed to the opinion issued by the Committee in that it “satisfies the selfishness of adults to the detriment of the rights of the child”. The legal experts recall that the International Convention on the Rights of the Child, ratified in 1990 and “superior to the French law”, also upholds, “as far as possible, the right of a child to know his or her parents and grow up with them”. Allowing same-sex couples access to MAP means triggering a time bomb because “children will ask for explanations one day”. “Avenir pour tous”, for its part, has launched a petition asking the Ethics Committee to issue an “opinion on the consequences of this decision”.

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