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European Council: migration, in the “Conclusions” commitment to a “global approach”. Gentiloni, “ok, but facts, not words”

Bruxelles: la nuova sede del Consiglio europeo

(Brussels) Two of the thirteen pages of the “Conclusions” of the European Council, ended in Brussels this afternoon, are focussed on migration. As to this section of the summit, Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni stated: “I think Italy can be satisfied with the conclusions we have reached, even if we are aware that the problems we have to face will be solved by the conclusions of a European Council document”. Which, the document says, “retains its commitment to EU’s taking a global approach to migration, effective external border security to reduce and prevent illegal flows, the reform of the common European asylum system, as well as a full and non-discriminatory enforcement of the EU-Turkey declaration, in all its dimensions and towards all of the member states”. “Supervision of migratory routes, including the Western Balkan route, will continue. We will keep strengthening and making the most of the operational capacities of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency and of any other agency. Effective external border security should enable us to remove temporary internal border security”. The EU executives, Tusk (European Council), Juncker (European Commission), Muscat (Cabinet), expressed support to Italy, while also scolding the member states that are not playing their part in rehoming migrants and in the Fund for Africa. The Conclusions go on: “Losses of human lives and persistent flows of migrants, especially economic migrants, along the Central Mediterranean route, pose a structural challenge and keep being a serious, urgent concern. The EU and its member states will have to reinstate their controls to prevent the humanitarian crisis getting worse”. In addition, “constant, upgraded cooperation with the countries of origin and transit, as well as upgrading regional cooperation in search and rescue operations, which is still a high priority”, are needed. Cooperation with the countries of origin and transit “must be strengthened to reduce migratory pressure at the land borders of Libya and other neighbouring countries”.

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