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United Kingdom: Fr. Frosio (Bradford Mission), “coexistence threatened by terrorism. Brexit exacerbates situation”

Un'immagine della Missione cattolica italiana a Bradford

The population of the city of Bradford, the sixth largest in the UK, where the Italian Catholic Mission of Fr. Lorenzo Frosio is based, includes Muslim minorities from different Asian countries – over 30% – and African communities; it is an example of that multicultural model of integration that has been put under severe strain in the wake of the recent terror attacks in London. “The latest murder in Finsbury Park, in which Muslims were targeted by a Brit, is a very worrying sign that this peaceful coexistence may be at risk”, Fr. Frosio says. “Here in Bradford, wealthier Brits have moved outside of the city centre, occupied by the second and third generations of Pakistanis, who are now quite wealthy. Although these communities live peacefully, side by side, they still lack true constructive dialogue and a plan for the future. Those behind the recent attacks have targeted famous cities, like London and Manchester, but a spiral of violence may also occur in Bradford if a person with mental health problems launches a religiously or racially motivated attack, thereby triggering a spiral of violence”. According to Fr. Lorenzo, “the tolerant and peaceful model of coexistence of post-colonial Britain is in a serious crisis”. “And the decision to leave the EU exacerbates the situation since it fuels xenophobia and racism”.

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