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Pope Francis: audience, “we believe it is easier to be delinquents than saints”. “Our history needs mystics”

foto SIR/Marco Calvarese

“May the Lord give us the hope of being holy”. This wish marked the beginning of the final part of today’s audience. “Some of you may ask”, the Pope continued off the cuff: “Can we be holy in our ordinary lives?”. “Yes, we can”, is the answer. “Does it mean we have to pray all day long? No, it means you have to do your duty all day long: praying, going to work, taking care of your children… and do this with a heart open to God, with enthusiasm… Even when faced with sickness, suffering, difficulties: let us be open to God, and in this way we will become saints. It is possible”. “The Lord gives us the hope of being holy”, the Pope said. “We think that it is difficult, that it is easier to be delinquents than saints. No! It is possible to be holy because the Lord helps us. This is the great gift that each one of us can give to the world”. “May the Lord give us the grace to believe so profoundly in Him as to become an image of Christ for this world”, Pope Francis continued. “Our history needs mystics: people who reject every domination, who long for charity and fraternity. Men and Women who live and accept even a portion of suffering, because they take upon themselves the difficulties of others. Without these men and women, the world would have no hope”. “For this reason, my wish for you, and also for me, is that the Lord may give us the hope of being holy”, the Pope concluded off the cuff.

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