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European Council: Tusk, electoral populism dwindles. “Return of the EU as a solution, not a problem”

(Brussels) Donald Tusk has made a broad political assessment in view of the European Council of 22-23 June in his customary letter of invitation to the heads of state and government who will attend the Summit on migration, security and Brexit. “It is fair to say – the letter reads – that we will meet in a different political context from that of a few months ago, when the anti-EU forces were on the rise. The current developments on the continent seem to indicate that we are slowly turning the corner. In many of our countries, the political parties that have built their strength on anti-EU sentiments are beginning to diminish”, Tusk wrote, mainly referring to France and the Netherlands. “We are witnessing the return of the EU rather as a solution, not a problem”, he added. “Paradoxically, the tough challenges of the recent months have made us more united than before”. However, “we cannot be complacent or naïve. We have to prove to the people that we are capable of restoring control over events which overwhelm and sometimes even terrify. Last year we agreed that the EU will protect our people against security threats, illegal migration and uncontrolled globalisation, and we must continue to deliver. Therefore, during the upcoming European Council, I want us to move further on our policy response in these three areas”.

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