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EU: Brussels, conference on migration management. Guest speakers include politicians, “field” workers and a refugee from Aleppo

(Brussels) In the run-up to the European Council, which in Brussels on June 22nd and 23rd will discuss migration (as well as security, defence and Brexit), today the European Parliament is holding an international conference about “migration, stability and prosperity in third countries and strengthening of the EU’s own security”. The conference will open in the Brussels premises of the EU Parliament at 02.30 pm (until 07.30 pm). “Guest speakers – as explained by a press notice – include over 700 people, all with different backgrounds in migration management”. They include the Libyan Prime Minister, al-Sarraj, the Swedish Minister of Justice and Social Inclusion, Johansson, and the Greek Immigration Minister, Mouzalas. The EU will be represented by the president of the EU Assembly, Antonio Tajani, the president of the European Commission, Juncker, the High Representative, Mogherini, and commissioners King and Avramopoulos. In addition, the mayors of Catania, Athens, Samos (where one of the EU’s hot spots is located), and someone from the province of Csongràd, Hungary (located 10 kilometres from the Serbian border). In addition, the floor will be taken by the commander-in-chief of the Italian Coastguard, the commander of “Operation Sophia” in the Mediterranean Sea, and a young refugee from Aleppo.

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