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World Refugee Day: EU, “agreement on the reform of the common European asylum system” and “legal, safe routes” are urgent

“A few generations ago, many of us Europeans were refugees, with the same human desire to flee conflict and violence, as well as rebuilding our lives and looking for a safer future in freedom”. This has been pointed out by Frans Timmermans, first deputy president of the EU, Federica Mogherini, high representative for foreign affairs, migration commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos and other European commissioners, in a statement for the World Refugee Day, held today to commemorate “65 million lives” and “different stories” in the world, which the EU supports a lot. The EU is the world’s main donor in many projects and different countries. The EU’s is also constantly working to “save thousands of lives every month” along the migration routes and then rehome the over 700 thousand asylum seekers that arrived in the EU in 2016. An “agreement on the reform of the common European asylum system” and “legal, safe routes” are, however, still urgent. While 16,400 people in need of international protection have been taken in already, the EU is committed to take in 22,504 by September 2017: the hope is that the member states may “ambitiously” and supportively carry on the EU rehoming programme, “not only to give shelter but above all to give a chance of a future to those who need it most”, aware that “it is a moral duty, and it is also the best investment we can make in our own security and stability”.

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