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Germany: Catholic Church, an app for smartphones to help couples who are about to get married

“Ehe. Wir. Heiraten” is a pun that means “We want to get married”. And this is also the name of an app for smartphones developed by the German Catholic Church for young people who would like to celebrate the sacrament of marriage. The purpose of the app is to help people who want to get married and must think of so many different things, such as the celebration, the church and the priest, the best man and the maids, the guest list, the dress and the suit: but all this can distract the engaged couples from focussing on their emotional, religious and spiritual preparations. So, here comes “Ehe. Wir. Heiraten”, which will help them stop and look at the time they will live together as a couple, their relationship – “the joy of love”, as Pope Francis says – and even its problems”. Therefore, the app will enable “the Catholic Church to deal with the equally varied wedding situations, by helping and guiding the couples in their preparations”. “Ehe.Wir.Heiraten” is available for all Android and iOS smartphones and can be downloaded freely at The service interfaces wit the wedding, the date, the regulatory and family formalities, the spiritual process, and sends weekly notices with texts, pictures and videos that deal with all the key matters: from spirituality to sexuality, from planning to legal matters. In addition, situations are reviewed in the light of the diocese the couple comes from or the wedding is to be held in.

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