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Luxembourg: commemoration for all victims of terrorism. Speeches, silence, and readings from the Bible and the Quran

A commemoration for all the people who lost their lives in the terror attacks of the past month will take place tomorrow, Friday, 16 June, in Luxembourg. The initiative is organised by the Afghan Community in Luxembourg; the Association for the Support of Immigrant Workers (ASTI); Opent Haus; Passerell; and “Reech eng Hand” (Reaching Hand), the Archdiocese’s programme for the reception of migrants. At the Kanounenhiwwel, the national monument of Luxembourg solidarity, “participants will lay candles in silence; they will then be invited to prayer and reflection through the reading of some excerpts from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and verses from the Bible and the Quran”, a press release from the Archdiocese reads. This will be followed by speeches in Arabic, Persian and French to “condemn the use of violence and stress the commitment to mutual respect and peaceful coexistence”. The statement from Luxembourg lists the terror attacks that will be remembered, starting with the attack in Rukban (Syria) on 15 May with 10 people killed and 20 injured; in Manchester on 22 May with 22 dead and 119 wounded; then the 26 victims and 22 injured in the attack on a bus carrying Coptic Christians in Egypt on 26 May; the attack in Baghdad on 30 May, with 31 killed and 69 injured; in Kabul, the following day, with 174 dead and 350 wounded; and then again in London, on 3 June, with 8 killed and 48 injured; and finally in Teheran, on 7 June, where 17 people lost their lives and 46 were injured.

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