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Europe Day: Mgr. Duarte da Cunha (CCEE), “in crisis we see signs of reawakening that bring hope”

“In Europe, even in the midst of a crisis, there are many signs of a reawakening, a rebirth, a renewed commitment to seriously building new relationships among the peoples of the entire continent. There is an increasing desire to create a continent in which countries are not enemies, but cooperate and show solidarity with one another. All this brings hope, it tells us that the European project is not a dream, but always needs to be rebuilt”. Mgr. Duarte da Cunha, Secretary General of the Council of European Bishops’ Conferences (CCEE), said this in an interview with SIR news agency, on the day on which the European continent celebrates “Europe Day”, marking the anniversary of the historic Shuman Declaration. “The history that we leave behind – Mgr. da Cunha added – makes us understand that the economy and financial interests are not sufficient to build Europe. If we do not care for the dignity of the person, if we do not value solidarity between the peoples, if we do not promote integration, if we do not respect cultural diversities, then the European project becomes something that is built from above, something imposed. And this does not work. What is more, we run the risk of fomenting discontent, of stifling hope. The crisis we are experiencing can therefore help us to realise that Europe needs high values in order not to die”.

The Churches on the European continent, the CCEE Secretary General remarked, are “aware that Europe needs a soul, which is why they work together to bear witness to a religious and ethical dimension without which Europe cannot advance. It is a joint responsibility that is being strongly developed at the ecumenical level. On the one hand, the Churches are experiencing the crisis of a secularised society that has distanced itself from God. On the other hand, they see that there is an increasing relevance of religion in the private sphere, both at the public and institutional level, more respect for religious values, and an increasing awareness that religions should not be confined to the private sphere, but should contribute to the public action and sphere”. It is a responsibility for the Churches and for Europe itself. As Mgr. da Cunha explained, “if Europe does not aim at a high horizon, if it does not make room for God, then the dignity of the person is lessened and the other becomes an adversary, an enemy, a potential threat. Hence on this day on which we remember the birth of Europe, I would like to tell people living in Europe, open your hearts to the Lord. And you will find fullness of joy on which to build a new world”.

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