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Families: Eurostat, 220 million of households in Europe, just one third with children. Single parents on the rise

(Brussels) In the European Union, there are 220 million households, one third of which (65.6 million) with children. Nearly one half of families (47%, i.e. 31 million) have one child on average, two children live in 40% of families (26 million), and a mere 13% (8.5 million) have three or more children. This has been found by Eurostat, in the run-up to the “Global Day of Parents” that will be celebrated tomorrow. Of course, the picture of family life is different in every country: Ireland has the highest number of families with children (41%), followed by Cyprus and Poland (38%), Malta, Portugal and Slovakia (36%). These figures drop in Germany and Finland, where just 22 households out of 100 have children, in Sweden (25%), Austria (26%) and Greece (27%). Ireland is above the European average in the number of children per family as well: actually, 27% of families have three or more children. Other above-average countries include Finland, Belgium, France, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Bulgaria (where only 5 families out of 100 have three or more children), Portugal (6%), Spain and Italy (8%), the Czech Republic and Lithuania (9%), are under the 13% threshold. Also according to Eurostat, 15% of families have just one parent, also with big differences between countries: in Denmark, such number goes up to 30%, in Lithuania they are 28%, in Sweden 25%, in Great Britain 21%, in France and Latvia 20%. Single families are fewer, though they can go as high as 15% in Europe.

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