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Employment: Eurostat, 19 million without a job in the EU. But situation is slightly improving

(Brussels) A small decrease in unemployment in Europe was registered by Eurostat, which has just released its figures as at 30 April. The unemployment rate in the EU28 was 7.8% in April 2017, down from 7.9% in March. In the euro area, the unemployment rate was 9.3%, that is, one tenth less than in March. These percentages – at least numerically – bring us back to the pre-crisis situation, in 2008. Eurostat estimates that 19.121 million people in the EU28 are unemployed today, of whom 15.040 million in the euro area (19 states). The lowest unemployment rates are currently recorded in the Czech Republic (3.2%) and Germany (3.9%). The highest, by contrast, – although with slight improvements – are observed in Greece (23.2%) and Spain (17.8). For the purpose of comparison, the current unemployment rate in the US is 4.4%, whilst in other major countries it is as follow: United Kingdom 4.4%; Poland 4.8; the Netherlands 5.1; Romania 5.3; Sweden 6.6; France 9.5; and Italy 11.1. Unemployment affects 3.7 million young Europeans under 25, with record high rates in Greece, Spain and Italy.

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