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Press freedom: Mogherini (EU), “a right threatened all over the world. Defending journalists to protect democracy”

Federica Mogherini, EU High Representative for foreign policy

(Brussels) “A free press is crucially important for the good operation of democracy. Today, we celebrate World Press Freedom Day, in a context that is difficult for journalism. Freedom of expression and press freedom are increasingly threatened all over the world”. This has been stated by the EU High Representative for foreign policy, Federica Mogherini, for World Press Freedom Day. “Free, diversified and independent media are essential to promote and protect democracy all over the planet. Freedom of expression and press freedom are the foundations of democracy, they help make societies stable, inclusive and resilient, and they may help defuse tensions and mitigate conflicts”. The EU, Mogherini adds, “condemns the rise in threats and violations of journalists and media professionals both offline and in cyber-space. All countries have a duty to abide by their obligations all over the world in terms of protecting freedom of expression and the journalists’ safety by implementing a specific legal framework and prosecuting any attack against any journalist”.

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