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Poland: meeting of the Permanent Council of the Bishops Conference. Towards a document on “non-sacramental” unions

The marital and premarital pastoral service was the key items on the agenda of the meeting of the Permanent Council of the Polish Bishops Conference in Jasna Gora on Tuesday May 2nd. According to a well-established tradition, the meeting took place just before the national holiday of the Virgin Mary, Queen of Poland. At the end of the meeting, the leader of the Council for family life of the Polish Bishops Conference, monsignor Jan Watroba, pointed out that, according to the exhortation “Amoris laetitia”, in the next few months the bishops intend to work out a document about marital pastoral care, discernment and supporting people who are in a non-sacramental union. “All pastoral practice must be reorganised to show those people the love and support of the Church”, the prelate pointed out. In addition, the bishops took stock of the current social and political situation in Poland in the light of the recent document on patriotism, regarded as extremely important by many civilian leaders. Then, they listened to a reportage on the trip to Medjugorje of Pope Francis’s special envoy, mgr. Henryk Hoser, who considers the Marian cult practised in the town of Bosnia-Herzegovina as “perfectly fine”, “regardless of the official recognition” by the Church of the alleged apparitions of the Virgin.

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