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Macron/Le Pen up for second ballot: mgr. Pontier (Cef), “Church won’t take sides” and calls Catholics to go and vote

Today, the president of the French Bishops Conference (Cef), mgr. Georges Pontier, repeats that “the role of the Church is not to take sides with either nominee, it is to remind every voter of what our faith calls us to consider”, and calls the Catholics to turn up and not opt for a blank vote, but to act out “their responsibility as citizens”. In an interview posted today on the website of the French Bishops Conference and relayed by SIR, mgr. Georges Pontier, archbishop of Marseille and president of the French Bishops Conference, replies to the “criticism” – as written in the question – of those who expected the Catholic Church to take a clearer position on the election. Mgr. Pontier speaks of “an hysterical atmosphere” and points out that, in such a scenario, the Church chooses instead to promote reflection and discernment by showing “the criteria” that the Catholics must take inspiration from when they choose their nominees: respect for the dignity of every human being, accepting other people even if different, the importance of family life and children, openness to the world, fair sharing of wealth, access to work, to housing. “No programme – the archbishop emphasises – meets all such criteria. Therefore, it is up to everyone, in the light of the Gospel, to act out their consideration and vote according to their conscience”.
The president of the French Bishops Conference calls the Catholics to go and vote next Sunday. “Even if the temptation to abstain as an expression of great dissatisfaction is understandable, I believe it is important to keep acting out one’s responsibility as citizens. Abstaining can help a nominee be elected” and, “in a democracy, our vote matters”. As to the political scenario, “the position of the French Bishops Conference – mgr. Pontier admits – is not easy. It would be easier to give instructions about how to vote”, but “for 45 years the Bishops have refused to”. Today, the Church asks to soften the tone “of offences and attitudes. Offending, distorting, exploiting ideas is not worthy of the debate”. The archbishop ends by proposing a reflection: “It would be helpful if politicians questioned themselves to understand how we have come to this unusual situation, where over 40% of French people voted for the extremes on the first round”.

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