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Germany: Wittenberg, end of Kirchentag, Feast of German Reformed Christians. Next events in October

The 36th Kirchentag, the Feast of German Reformed Christians, ended yesterday in the big Lutherstadt park, in Wittenberg. The fact it coincided with the Lutheran Jubilee, the anniversary of the 500th anniversary of the posting of Martin Luther’s Protestant theses on the doors of Schlosskirche in Wittenberg, added intensity to the moments experienced over the last few days by the German reformed Christian community. Yesterday, over 120 thousand people had already crowded in the sun for sunrise prayers, waiting for the Sunday liturgy that ended the exceptional festivities of prayers, meetings, conferences that began on Wednesday May 24th. It has been the greatest meeting of German reformed Christians, and the organisers, led by the German Council of the Evangelical Church (Ekd), pointed out that it was “excellent encouragement” in the run-up to the great “Reformation Expo”, which will help close the Lutheran Year in October with an important sequence of ecumenical events, which will bring Wittenberg back at the centre of the Reformation world. Wittenberg shared with Berlin and other neighbouring cities the management of the two hundred thousand pilgrims that mixed with the locals. Many people wanted to enshrine their attendance with walks of prayer from all German landers.

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