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+++ Film with Pope Francis: Mgr. Viganò (SPC), “the Holy Father, like Leo XIII, will address men and women of any faith and culture” +++

Mgr. Dario Edoardo Viganò, Prefect of the Secretariat for Communications of the Holy See, will certainly speak of the film “Pope Francis. A man of his word” at the 70th Cannes Film Festival on 25 May. During the round table on “cinema and spirituality”, Mgr. Viganò will take the floor with German filmmaker Wim Wenders, world-famous director of “Wings of Desire/the sky over Berlin”, and together with him, the prefect of the Holy See will explain what gave rise to the idea of involving the Pope in person. In reality, Mgr. Viganò has already given his first impressions on the film: “Whenever I think of Wim Wenders’ poetics, I have before my eyes the images of the guardian angels that he sketched in his films, ‘Wings of Desire’ and ‘Faraway, So Close’, which are so far from the devotional twilight. It is precisely for his careful and poetic look, able to tell the world of the visible and the invisible alike, that we, together with the Vatican Television Centre, wanted to have him onboard for the TV direction of the opening of the Holy Door in St Peter’s, for the Jubilee of Mercy”. With Wenders, Mgr. Viganò continued, “the idea was born of a documentary film that would tell the story of Pope Francis, making him a protagonist for the first time, so that he could become engaged in the seventh art, but above all with viewers. Through the cinema, the Pope wanted to take a new path, to reach out to the entire community, made up of men and women of any faith and culture, with a desire to answer their questions. So he went on camera as Leo XIII did over a century ago, when for the first time he appeared on screen, blessing the cinema itself”.

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