Slovakia: a website on life and work of slovak salesian Titus Zeman, due to be beatified in September

(Bratislava) Fr. Titus Zeman (1915-1969), due to be beatified on 30 September 2017, has become better known among the faithful in Slovakia, mainly thanks to a new website on his life launched by the Salesians. Information about his life, martyrdom and the process of beatification can be found there, also in three foreign languages – Italian, English and Spanish. “Visitors of the website can watch a short video about Titus Zeman, find out more about people who have been saved by this Salesian priest, and get to know him through the testimonies of those who knew him personally”, explains Fr. Rastislav Hamracek, SDB. Fr. Titus Zeman was well known for his help to dozens of young Salesians who were able to finish their studies abroad during the reign of communism only thanks to his support. As a result of these activities, he was arrested and sentenced to 25 years in prison. He was released after 13 years, but his health was so damaged that he died several years later. The Salesians organize a series of lectures on his life and message for contemporary faithful in several towns of Slovakia. The first one is planned for 10 June in Kosice.

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