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Pope Francis: to Huntington’s disease patients, scientists must not fuel “throw-away culture”. No to research with “destruction of human embryos”

“There is a great deal of expectation surrounding your work: resting on your efforts are the hopes of finding the way to a definitive cure for the disease, but also of improving the living conditions of these brothers and sisters, and of accompaniment, especially in the delicate phases of diagnosis, at the onset of the first symptoms”. Towards the end of his speech, the Pope addressed the geneticists and scientists “who, for some time, sparing no energy, have dedicated themselves to studying and researching a treatment for Huntington’s Disease”. “May the Lord bless your task!”, Pope Francis exclaimed, encouraging them “to always pursue it with means that do not contribute to fuelling that ‘throw-away culture’ that at times infiltrates even the world of scientific research”. “Some branches of research, in fact, utilize human embryos, inevitably causing their destruction”, the Pope decried: “But we know that no ends, even noble in themselves, such as a predicted utility for science, for other human beings or for society, can justify the destruction of human embryos”.

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