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United Nations: Guterres in Strasburg. Three priorities on global scale: conflicts, violated human rights, climate change

(Strasburg) Solutions for lots of international conflicts, defence of human rights anywhere in the world, and the problem of climate change: three priorities on which Secretary General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres focussed during his speech at the European Parliament in Strasburg today. After saying the EU has been the greatest project of political cooperation ever carried out, Guterres examined the numerous challenges mankind has to face on global scale: old and new conflicts, first of all. They are often local conflicts degenerating into regional conflicts, connected to each other, with remarkable international consequences including terrorism and migrations. “Multilateral action skills are necessary to prevent or solve conflicts”, based on development and dialogue. Some examples made: Syria, Congo, Somalia, and Afghanistan. About Syria: “It is a war which no-one will win. Just victims and losers: populations oppressed by war, democracy, a whole region destabilised, millions of refugees”. Secondly, defence of fundamental rights violated in every corner of the Earth: this problem needs a “coalition on global level”, with “an overall vision of social, civil and economic rights”. Guterres also spoke about freedom of religion, and the need to protect religious communities, pointing out discriminations and violence against Christians, Jew and Muslims.

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