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EU Parliament: Mr Tajani welcomes UN Secretary General. “Europe and United Nations, same values, same objectives”

(Strasbourg) “Our citizens now rightfully expect Europe to make its voice heard and be more effective globally. We cannot continue to stand idly by while innocent civilians are massacred in Syria, famine ravages Africa, women and children are exploited by human traffickers and thousands of desperate souls die in the desert or Mediterranean. We cannot look on with indifference as fundamental rights are increasingly under threat”. The President of the European Parliament Antonio Tajani said this as he welcomed the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres to the EP’s plenary session in Strasbourg. “More than ever, we must work together to give our citizens concrete responses on conflict, terrorism, radicalisation, managing migratory flows, climate change, poverty and unemployment”. According to Mr Tajani, “the United Nations and European Union rose from the ashes of global conflict, they share the same values and same objective: to promote peace and prosperity through multilateral cooperation”.

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