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Scotland: 8th June election, Catholic Bishops’ message. Call to vote. The “compass” of social doctrine

“Our nation, our parliament and our government will be judged by the way they treat our poorer and more vulnerable citizens”. The Scottish Catholic Bishops too, after those of England and Wales, decided to invite the faithful to vote at the election for Westminster Parliament on June 8th, in a letter that will be read out in all of the 500 churches of the country next Sunday, May 21st. in choosing their nominees, the voters shall be inspired by the principles that the Catholic social doctrine has always been imbued with: yes to the defence of the weaker and poorer, no to abortion, euthanasia and assisted suicide. The archbishop of Glasgow, Philip Tartaglia, and the archbishop of Edinburgh, Leo Cushley, along with the other bishops of the Scottish Bishops Conference, also remind voters that “the wealth of society depends on the soundness of families, and those in power should work towards such goals with policies that are not economically detrimental to large families”. Religious tolerance too is one of the Scottish Bishops’ concerns.

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