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EU Parliament: a discussion with UN secretary Guterres. EU Parliament addressing the problem of persecuted Christians in the Middle East

(Strasbourg) The UN Secretary General, António Guterres, who’s been in office since last January, will hold a speech on Wednesday at the European Parliament, which will be having a plenary session from today to May 18th. His speech will probably address the defence of peace and fundamental rights in the world, the problem of migration, which closely concerns the Old Continent, and the situation of the Middle East with the Syrian conflict and all of the relevant humanitarian and geopolitical implications. Also on Wednesday, the MEPs will discuss the situation of persecuted Christians in the Middle East, with the High Representative for Foreign Policy, Federica Mogherini. On the same day, there will be the president of the European Council, Donald Tusk, and delegates of the EU Commission, to take stock of the results of the last summit of the 27 member states that passed the guidelines for Brexit negotiations. Items on the Assembly’s agenda also include the reduction of food waste, the state of fundamental rights in Hungary, persecutions, detentions, missing people and murders of homosexuals in Chechnya, and the current conflict between Israel and Palestine.

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