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Ukraine: Mgr. Gugerotti (nuncio), peace process requires “dialogue between the parties and compliance with agreements”. “Europe? Wake up!”

Dialogue between the parties and compliance with the agreements reached. These are the conditions to initiate a real peace process in Ukraine, where “air raids continue, with heavy exchanges of fire” in the regions of Luhansk and Donetsk, Mgr. Claudio Gugerotti, Apostolic Nuncio to Ukraine, told SIR news agency. “The parties involved are not just Russia and Ukraine”, the prelate pointed out, “although they are the main stakeholders”. There are areas of influence connected to wider interests. There is a need for all parties and major powers involved to agree to sit at the same negotiating table with a word of peace. However, if the decisions taken at those meetings remain a dead letter – like in Minsk –, then it is a waste of time and opportunity. There is a need to deliver on the pledges made. Finally, I would also ask for a certain human flexibility. Which means that when human lives are at stake, decision-making cannot be based only on the logic of money, nor can decisions be made depending on the interests of the military powers involved or in the name of nationalisms. Parties should accept to talk to one another”. As for Europe, the nuncio gave a laconic response: “Wake up! If you are there, let us see some action”.



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