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Russia: Moscow, Easter vigil. Mgr. Pezzi calls Christians to pray together. “United by our belonging to Christ”

“Dear brothers and sisters, I call you all, but above all the young, to attend the prayer vigil that will be held in the cathedral on June 3rd at 9.00 pm, the day before Lent”. With a short message, the archbishop of Moscow, Paolo Pezzi, asks everyone to join the evening of prayer in preparation to the Feast of Lent, which this year he wants to “devote to praying for those Christians, our brothers and sisters, who are persecuted all over the world, above all in the Holy Land and in the Middle East”, because, the archbishop writes, quoting a passage from Peter the Apostle, “when one member suffers, all the members suffer with it”. In addition, this year, mgr. Pezzi writes that “he decided to invite to the vigil Christians from other confessions that are in Moscow and who wish to join us in our prayers. We are all united by our belonging to Christ through baptism”. In the meantime, preparations are going on in Moscow to receive the relics of St Nicholas that will stay in the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, in Moscow, from May 21st to July 2th, then in St Petersburg until July 28th. The Patriarchate’s news service announces that a website covers the event,, and says that the relics can be visited by pilgrims as from May 22nd at 12.00 pm, then every day from 8.00 am to 9.00 pm.


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